Sunday, March 28, 2010

Discipline 101

It really bothers me thinking about this: is there a superbook that could teach me how and answer my questions about the right way to discipline a growing child? I have already sought help from other mothers, browsed books in bookstores and searched it over the web. In fact, Mr. Google had been tired of pulling out the same useful and unuseful sites and information over and over. But it did not give me all the stuff that I need. Although it helps a little, these are not enough. Am I just missing somethnig about discipline 101? Should I just follow what my instincts tell me? Are these books and other guides are just to good to be true? I don't know. According to Kyle's doctor, a child starts to develop his freewill and attitude as early as 1 yr old up to his 5th yr. It's the critical stage of a person's development. Maybe I'll just continue to follow my own "mother's instincts". After all, it would be my great accomplishment in life.


Stargazer said...

I think it's way better to go with your instincts. Be in the middle, I guess. Sometimes, a spanking is needed but not always. If talking to your child works, then just go with that. A little of both might work but the right formula still depends on you.

Poshbear said...

Thanks :) yeah that's what im trying to do now. hirap! because whatever values and attitudes that come out from my kid reflects how i brought him up.