Wednesday, July 20, 2011


"I don't get jealous, I can't be jealous, I've never been jealous" these are the lines that I'll never forget in one of the best local movies I watched so far, you changed my life. This was delivered by the cutie patootie actor, John lloyd Cruz, when he saw his partner, Sarah Geronimo, playing and having a good time with her childhood friend.

What is Jealousy? In my own interpretation : insecurity and lack of trust towards someone. Why do people get jealous to others of the same sex? -- there are two things, first is beacuse you wish also to get or own the thing that other person has. The other is, doubt to someone who you think would be sharing the time and love of your better half.

Why am I writing about jealousy? Simple. I feel jealous! I've never been jealous to someone. This was never an issue to me eversince I felt the love to my husband. I'm a hypocrite to say that I haven't felt a little jealousy before, but today is different. A big different because I'm very affected by this like the whole world or everything that surrounds me don't exist. Based on the things and reason I was jealous about, I have no right to feel this crap. It's a waste of time, and will definitely loose the discussion. I'm just human, to what I've known, it's normal. And this jealousy is eating me alive! I want to shout and cry, but I can't. I should not show any sign of this for it will just open a debate and eventually loose the war. But inside me, I know that there's something wrong. How will I recover from this? That's the question I can't answer for now. I'll just wait for the right time til' I get my peace of mind.... back.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Cheska said...

I think it's normal to be jealous. What matters is what you do with your jealousy. IT can either eat you up alive, it can take control of you or you clear out the doubts you have and confront the main reason for your jealousy.

whatever you decide, just pray to God for guidance. Good luck, Badet!