My family just got back from a tiring yet fun outing last April 6 to 7, in celebration of Kyle's second birthday. We went to the beach for a swim since Kyle hasn't experienced salt water swimming (yet) and also to grant his daily requests to go to Miming (his term for Swimming). Kyle loves water so much. He enjoys playing in the water with his Thomas and friends, rubber duckies and animal squirters. He can even tolerate coldness of water in his own pool and he doesn't care at all. I was actually planning to enroll him in a swimming class this early but my husband refused to do it. According to him, he's not capable yet. Although, I know and heard that some babies are enrolled in this sport as early as 1 year old. My hubby added : "let Kyle enjoy water in his own way and not through somebody else's way". He could have his swimming lessons as soon as he starts his primary schooling. And so, I just agreed with him.
Going back to the mini swimming party of Kyle, we went to Nasugbu, Batangas where it's known and popular for nice beaches and resort hotels. We found a 3-star resort from the internet, very cheap room rates and not so strict with the house rules. The resort's name is El Cacar. From a 3-hour drive, we arrived in the resort at 6 pm. We planned to swim that night but since all of us were tired from the long trip, we have decided to just swim in the morning the next day. Since it was a weekday getaway, we thought that there will be no other guests to occupy the place as also advised by the resort owner, that we were the only guests on her schedule. And guess what, we were all wrong. Unexpectedly, the resort became just like it's weekend schedule. Nevertheless, I'm glad that the owner is so kind to let us use the tables in front of our rooms for free. Just perfect to put up our balloons and birthday banner for the celebration. It's a simple decoration, just to make Kyle feel that it was his birthday that day. :)
At 6:00 am of April 7, Kyle woke up everybody in the room. I was so surprised to see him sitting down on the bed and watching all of us asleep. And because the baby was awakened, everybody had to get up that early too. It seems like Kyle knew that there was something to celebrate, it was his occassion and that he had to wake up early because it's going to be a long, long day for him. At 7:00 am, we went to the nearby church, at St. Francis Xavier Parish. Since there were a lot of visitors in the resort, we planned not to bring our car to reserve it's parking slot, so we rode a tricycle instead. Another first time in Kyle's list, riding a tricycle. So we took a picture of him while he was inside.
After our thanskgiving prayer, we went back to the resort and started cooking, put up the decors, and of course splashed out the water.When Kyle stepped his feet on the sand for the first time, it was like an amazing feeling and he was just so happy.
Then his much awaited swimming began,
Seeing Kyle happy on his birthday was a fulfillment for all of us. Everything that Kyle expressed during his birthday were priceless. He can't express himself well verbally (yet), but we felt his contentment and happiness through his babytalks, acts and gestures.
Our Kyle is growing up so fast. My only wish for him is to be healthy and safe always. And I want him to become just like his dad. A very kind and loving person. To give credit to the people behind the mini party of Kyle, I posted a picture of them:
Deep in my heart, I thanked them so much for making Kyle's simple birthday celebration a memorable one..... to us and most especially to Kyle.